This is my first post from my new(ish) Mac. I took some photos for a friend last month, went to download them on my PC and it crashed... and crashed... and crashed. 5 times. The next night at work I broke down and bought the Mac online. I must say, I am really loving it! It is taking a little getting used to in order to figure out all the ways things work...I'm learning all of the tricks slowly but surely.
I'm about half way through ER orientation. It is a lot to learn but I really like everyone down there and all the things I am getting to do! My preceptor--and my back-up preceptor-- are both amazing!
The wedding is coming along-- we have the caterer booked, a step closer. Invitations, the guys' suits and flowers are next. It's a little more comforting with every thing that is checked off of the list. I have only had a few of those crazy wedding dreams you hear about gals having-- the kind where my wedding is all of a sudden upon me, nothing is done, no decorations, no dress fittings, no flowers, nothing. And all I do is panic. It's terrible. So the least amount of these that I have, the better!
Back to the Mac.... my heart is very happy to have it for my photos! Easy to use, the colors are great, and I am getting used to the shortcuts for things! I took some "engagement photos" of my brother and Emma last weekend... we started out at Weston State Park and then moved to Loose Park down by the Plaza. Both were great places to go and gorgeous. I have added some photos below, plus a couple from our quick trip to Red Barn Farm the next day with my handsome godson, Jett, and cute new cousin, Sophia! :)
Lots of