Friday, March 14, 2014

Foster parenting 101.1

Well, we have been thrown to the wolves into all of the foster information overload it seems.

Our meeting went well. However, it was a bit overwhelming for me. Not necessarily because of the information we received, but rather because the company is understandably busy with training families and doing their home studies, as well as the many other services that they offer in the community. And because of that, they do not have a set schedule for their training classes.

 As of right now, they have none scheduled, but will likely have one starting in April (ie about two weeks from now). For most people, that is fine. For my schedule at work, where there is nothing set, it is hard to get off on such short notice {read: practically impossible}.

Foster parents: is this normal?

I feel such a sense of uneasiness at the lack of planning. My type-A personality is going crazy

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