Getting back in the swing of things at work, starting planning on our wedding (much more work to be done that you could ever imagine!), and enjoying life have taken up much of my time!
So here are some updates:
The wedding planning is coming along, although slowly, things are getting done. We have our very amazing photographers lined up--which we cannot be any more grateful for! If you have not had the chance to check them out, here's their website:
They do beautiful work and if you follow them often, the level of humor is up there in their posts! We are already in love with them!
I went to the last couple of bridal shows and ended up booking our DJ, videographer, and photobooth! It is all one company, which will save a lot of time for us, and the guy doing it seems like he fits us perfectly.
The biggest part, for me at least, is that I bought my gown! It is gorgeous and exactly what I was looking for. Getting that was a huge step. To top it off, it was supposed to not be here until December and it came in less than 3 weeks! So I could technically try it on any time I want. Too bad I cannot wear it out on a daily basis!
Work is going well, I am happy to be back on my floor! I missed my heart and liver kiddos more than I thought. Plus, I really did miss my co-workers! It's good to get back in the swing of things with the floor and get back to hanging out with this gals! I really am lucky to work where I do and with the people there! That being said, I also miss my TCH gals! I wish I could move them up here; I know they would get along great with our crew.
I have had a few days of just being sad to not be with the roomies from Houston! It is a bit unsettling to not have them here to share all my good news with! :/
Life in general has been busy! There are too many things to explain really, but.... we ran the 5k Color Run- a must do for everyone, it is a ton of fun, visited the new aquarium in KC, I took my first flight with Shawn flying the plane- not too bad but verrry windy, had my godson's 1st bday party, have been catching up with friends and fam since I am back in town now, and we had a great 4th of July and weekend after with family and friends all gathered in one place!
Along with everything that has already gone on, the next few months are going to be pretty eventful!
August brings the birth of our nephew, Hudson, whenever he decides to appear! I cannot wait to meet this little fella and welcome him to the world. We were honored to get the opportunity to attend his 3D sonogram and it literally brought tears to my eyes. He is going to be so perfect!
Mid-month we are bridesmaid dress shopping! I'm so happy every gal will be there for it!
Next month we are going to Washington DC to take engagement photos with Maggie and Betty (our BOAF photographers) and I cannot wait! (That reminds me, I really need to go shopping for that! And yes, that is NEED, not want)
October brings the wedding of two of our favorite people, Holly and Cory!
We have a few more things in the works in the upcoming months, not gunna jinx either of us by saying what, but say a little prayer for us that things work in our favor! :) I will update you more as they (hopefully) fall into place.
Until then, here a just a handful of my favorite pics from the last few months... Well, they are mostly just my iPhone pics, but still some good ones! :)
My godson Jett taking a ride |
Addi putting lip gloss on Shawn.... |
Color Run!
Our amazing first basegirl |
Sporting KC game w Meg and my co-worker |
4th of July |
With Kim at All Star Celebrity game |
First flight! |
The butterfly that kept landing on me at the pool! |
Caught the bouquet! |
Bad dog! Ate an entire cob of corn! |

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